Say goodbye to forgetfulness and memory impairment

Seniors memory clinic is specialized in dealing with all memory impairment disorders in adult and elderly patients, using the latest techniques for diagnosis and treatment. 

This service in Seniors clinic is delivered by a team of highly qualified specialists and consultants in geriatric memory impairment, who have a great experience in evaluating and treating memory disorders in a suitable way for each case. 

Memory clinic .. for whom?

If you or any of your family members suffer from memory impairment symptoms, we’re here to help you.
Some of these symptoms are:

    • Repeated forgetfulness of important appointments or events. 
    • Putting stuff in the wrong places.
    • Sudden forgetting of a place you’re driving to.
    • Taking the same medication more than once.
    • Losing a part of your short-term memory with all the people and events it includes.
    • Forgetting the names of your family members.

Memory clinic services in Seniors clinic

Memory clinic in Seniors clinic offer a number of services related to memory problems that elderly patients might suffer from, such as:

  • Full evaluation

Specialists and consultants provide the patient with an initial evaluation of their cases, in addition to a full evaluation of their memory, in order to reach an accurate diagnosis and present a suitable treatment.

  • Treatment of forgetfulness for adults and elderly

There are a lot of memory impairment problems related to age, some of them are treatable, some are related to organic diseases and some can be controlled and fully retrieved.
In Seniors clinic, we try to detect the exact cause behind the symptoms, so that we can treat it properly.

  • Treatment of memory impairment for elderly

Memory impairment in elderly has many reasons apart from Alzheimer’s, that’s why early detection of the cause can have a great impact on treating the case and avoiding memory loss. 

Why Seniors clinic?

  • We’re the first medical center in Egypt specialized in eldelry medical care, with a team of highly qualified specialists and consultants, experienced in diagnosis and treatment of memory impairment.
  • The availability of  a specific treatment for each case, which doesn’t always depend on medications, as there are many mental exercises that help retrieve memory, that are just as important as taking medications. 
  • We care about educating not just our patients, but their family members as well, in the form of educational lectures and support groups, as they play an important role in the therapeutic programs.

How to prepare for the visit

If you’re a relative of an eldely patient with memory impairment symptoms, there are some steps you can follow before the visit that might help in the diagnosis and treatment of the case, such as:

  • Trying to comfort the patient and avoid any stressors or distractions that might affect the initial evaluation.
  • Preparing all the lab tests and imaging related to the case.
  • Bringing all the medication the patient takes, and adhering to their time accurately. 

What happens in the memory clinic for elderly patients in Seniors clinic?

Evaluation and examination in memory clinic is done in consecutive steps, as the following:

  • Initial evaluation: 

The doctor has a small talk with the patient to try and comfort them before the examination, in addition to performing an initial evaluation of their memory, cognition and their ability to communicate.

  • History taking:

The doctor takes a full history of the patient, including the reason of visit, their previous lab tests and imaging, history of previous surgeries, and the history of any events or organic causes that might be the reason for memory impairment.

  • Memory test:

The doctor performs a thorough written memory test to evaluate the patient’s memory, cognition, and ability of making decisions.
It can also be done orally, in case the patient couldn’t read or write.

  • Investigation:

At the end, the doctor might ask for some investigations, like CBC, MRI or CT, in order to exclude or detect any organic injury in the brain that might be the cause for memory loss, or cognitive impairment. 

After all the previous steps, the patients can continue to have follow-up sessions, in order to monitor the case progression, and get the needed advice and instructions by a team of specialists. 

Book your appointment in memory clinic now with Seniors clinic!

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